Sometimes you might save a fast by accident, or decide later that you want to remove a saved fast. Zero gives you a few ways to delete a fast, which we'll cover in this article.
Delete a fast right after ending it
- Right when you finish a fast the screen will display a checkmark in the timer ring
- Tap either 'Edit Start' or 'Edit Finish'
- Tap 'Delete'
- In the confirmation screen, just tap 'Delete fast' to confirm you'd like to delete the fast (if you'd rather not delete the fast and just want to edit tap Cancel then use the edit buttons to edit the start and/or end time of the fast).
Deleting a previous day's saved fast
If you've already saved a fast, you can delete it in two ways:
1. From the Today screen
- Tap the streak count icon in the upper left corner. This will open a calendar.
- Tap the date of the fast you'd like to delete
- Tap the 'Delete' button and confirm
- If you'd rather not delete the fast and just want to edit tap Cancel then use the edit buttons to edit the start and/or end time of the fast.
2. From the Calendar
- Tap 'Me'
- Tap 'See all' or anywhere on the calendar to open the full calendar
- Tap the date of the fast you'd like to delete
- Tap 'Delete' and then confirm.
3. From Recent Fasts on the Me screen
- Tap 'Me'
- Scroll to 'Recent Fasts' and tap 'See More'
- Tap 'See all' or anywhere on the calendar to open the full calendar
- Tap the date of the fast you'd like to delete
- Tap 'Delete' and then confirm.
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